DG.Marker is used to display clickable/draggable icons on the map.
DG.marker([54.98, 82.89]).addTo(map);
Factory | Description |
Instantiates a Marker object given a geographical point and optionally an options object. |
Option | Type | Default | Description |
icon |
Icon |
* |
Icon class to use for rendering the marker. See Icon documentation
for details on how to customize the marker icon. Set to new
DG.Icon.Default() by default. |
interactive |
Boolean |
true |
If false , the marker will not emit mouse events and will act as a part of
the underlying map. |
draggable |
Boolean |
false |
Whether the marker is draggable with mouse/touch or not. |
keyboard |
Boolean |
true |
Whether the marker can be tabbed to with a keyboard and clicked by pressing enter. |
title |
String |
'' |
Text for the browser tooltip that appear on marker hover (no tooltip by default). |
alt |
String |
'' |
Text for the alt attribute of the icon image (useful for accessibility). |
zIndexOffset |
Number |
0 |
By default, marker images zIndex is set automatically based on its latitude.
Use this option if you want to put the marker on top of all others (or below),
specifying a high value like 1000 (or high negative value, respectively). |
opacity |
Number |
1.0 |
The opacity of the marker. |
riseOnHover |
Boolean |
false |
If true , the marker will get on top of others when you hover the mouse over it. |
riseOffset |
Number |
250 |
The z-index offset used for the riseOnHover feature. |
pane |
String |
'markerPane' |
Map pane where the markers icon will be added. |
Event | Data | Description |
click |
MouseEvent |
Fired when the user clicks (or taps) the marker. |
dblclick |
MouseEvent |
Fired when the user double-clicks (or double-taps) the marker. |
mousedown |
MouseEvent |
Fired when the user pushes the mouse button on the marker. |
mouseover |
MouseEvent |
Fired when the mouse enters the marker. |
mouseout |
MouseEvent |
Fired when the mouse leaves the marker. |
contextmenu |
MouseEvent |
Fired when the user right-clicks on the marker. |
move |
Event |
Fired when the marker is moved via setLatLng
or by dragging. Old and new coordinates are included in
event arguments as oldLatLng , latlng . |
Dragging events
Event | Data | Description |
dragstart |
Event |
Fired when the user starts dragging the marker. |
movestart |
Event |
Fired when the marker starts moving (because of dragging). |
drag |
Event |
Fired repeatedly while the user drags the marker. |
dragend |
DragEndEvent |
Fired when the user stops dragging the marker. |
moveend |
Event |
Fired when the marker stops moving (because of dragging). |
Events inherited from Layer
Event | Data | Description |
add |
Event |
Fired after the layer is added to a map |
remove |
Event |
Fired after the layer is removed from a map |
Popup events inherited from Layer
Event | Data | Description |
popupopen |
PopupEvent |
Fired when a popup bound to this layer is opened |
popupclose |
PopupEvent |
Fired when a popup bound to this layer is closed |
Method | Returns | Description |
getLatLng() |
LatLng |
Returns the current geographical position of the marker. |
this |
Changes the marker position to the given point. |
this |
Changes the zIndex offset of the marker. |
this |
Changes the marker icon. |
this |
Changes the opacity of the marker. |
bindLabel(<String> content, <Label options> options?) |
this |
unbindLabel() |
this |
showLabel() |
this |
hideLabel() |
this |
Popup methods inherited from Layer
Methods inherited from Layer
Methods inherited from Evented
Interaction handlers
Interaction handlers are properties of a marker instance that allow you to control interaction behavior in runtime, enabling or disabling certain features such as dragging (see Handler methods). Example:
Property | Type | Description |
dragging |
Handler |
Marker dragging handler (by both mouse and touch). |
Represents an icon to provide when creating a marker.
var myIcon = DG.icon({
iconUrl: 'my-icon.png',
iconRetinaUrl: 'my-icon@2x.png',
iconSize: [38, 95],
iconAnchor: [22, 94],
popupAnchor: [-3, -76],
shadowUrl: 'my-icon-shadow.png',
shadowRetinaUrl: 'my-icon-shadow@2x.png',
shadowSize: [68, 95],
shadowAnchor: [22, 94]
DG.marker([50.505, 30.57], {icon: myIcon}).addTo(map);
Factory | Description |
Creates an icon instance with the given options. |
Option | Type | Default | Description |
iconUrl |
String |
null |
(required) The URL to the icon image (absolute or relative to your script path). |
iconRetinaUrl |
String |
null |
The URL to a retina sized version of the icon image (absolute or relative to your script path). Used for Retina screen devices. |
iconSize |
Point |
null |
Size of the icon image in pixels. |
iconAnchor |
Point |
null |
The coordinates of the "tip" of the icon (relative to its top left corner). The icon will be aligned so that this point is at the marker's geographical location. Centered by default if size is specified, also can be set in CSS with negative margins. |
popupAnchor |
Point |
null |
The coordinates of the point from which popups will "open", relative to the icon anchor. |
shadowUrl |
String |
null |
The URL to the icon shadow image. If not specified, no shadow image will be created. |
shadowRetinaUrl |
String |
null |
shadowSize |
Point |
null |
Size of the shadow image in pixels. |
shadowAnchor |
Point |
null |
The coordinates of the "tip" of the shadow (relative to its top left corner) (the same as iconAnchor if not specified). |
className |
String |
'' |
A custom class name to assign to both icon and shadow images. Empty by default. |
Options inherited from Layer
Events inherited from Layer
Popup events inherited from Layer
Method | Returns | Description |
createIcon( |
HTMLElement |
Called internally when the icon has to be shown,
returns a <img> HTML element
styled according to the options. |
createShadow( |
HTMLElement |
As createIcon , but for the shadow beneath it. |
Popup methods inherited from Layer
Methods inherited from Layer
Methods inherited from Evented
Represents a lightweight icon for markers that uses a simple <div>
element instead of an image. Inherits from Icon
but ignores the iconUrl
and shadow options.
// you can set .my-div-icon styles in CSS
var myIcon = DG.divIcon({className: 'my-div-icon'});
DG.marker([50.505, 30.57], {icon: myIcon}).addTo(map);
Factory | Description |
Creates a DivIcon instance with the given options. |
Option | Type | Default | Description |
html |
String |
'' |
Custom HTML code to put inside the div element, empty by default. |
bgPos |
Point |
[0, 0] |
Optional relative position of the background, in pixels |
Options inherited from Icon
Options inherited from Layer
Events inherited from Layer
Popup events inherited from Layer
Methods inherited from Icon
Popup methods inherited from Layer
Methods inherited from Layer
Methods inherited from Evented